Oh no! I feared this day would come, that’s obviously an AI agent, a chat program that can autonomously make its own account and even go to multiple sites on internet to complete a tasks for some lazy user.
They don’t understand ethics and will do anything they can to complete a task.
Welcome to the next era of the internet.):
What happened to you is beyond horrible and I felt physically sick reading how this "person" kept replying to in such manner that in a way remined me of more an AI-written text rather than a real human being. I don't know why but the way this "Individual" talks is very off to me. It sounded more like an AI/bot than a real person and considering NFTs are linked to this hypertechnological world that touches the AI sphere I wouldn't rule out.
I'm deeply sorry, really.
Gotrainerx (Updated )
I didn't put it there, but he showed me the print of the images on the nft website, It looks very real, I don't think it's AI